For students with dyslexia and other reading deficits that cause them to read below grade level, leveled readers may not be enough. While they help students learn to read, if used exclusively, they also limit students’ opportunities to acquire grade-level content. As a result, they often fall behind, become disengaged and lose interest in learning. - Barbara Wilson, author of the Wilson Reading System

We began using Learning Ally just after my son’s diagnosis.He was two grade levels behind. He began tutoring with a Wilson Tutor twice a week and reading age appropriate books on Learning Ally. We Chromecast them to our TV and all cuddle on the couch and read along together.Not only was he reading daily but reading became an enjoyable activity. My kids don’t want to start their school day with anything but Read-Along books. The first year we had read probably 30 books.He had never read so many quality books in his life.After a year or two, his reading level and comprehension of physical (non-audio) books are actually above grade level.I never thought we would get here!

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